Spa Facials


Lumi Spa Express Chair Facial – $37

(20 mins)




A quick pick-me-up and a great way to revitalize your skin and spirit, this service is perfect for lunchtime getaways. Your face is treated with our LumiSpa cleansing Treatment,  masque, and hydration treatment. Check out with a smile and feel renewed


Galvanic Chair Facial – $57

(35-45 mins)




Consists of a LumiSpa cleansing treatment in just a few minutes your skin will be smoother softer and cleaner. After that we begin the galvanic treatment that will lift tighten and tone your skin, this service also includes a hot towel, toner, Tru Face Essence Ultra, Tru Face line corrector, Sunscreen 35 SPF.


Spa Signature Facial – $90

(50-60 mins)




This facial begins with a steam bath deep cleansing followed by a gentle exfoliation to reveal smooth, glowing skin. This service also includes a face, neck, and shoulder massage that will put your mind and spirit at ease. Includes a customized masque.


AgeLOC Facial – $120

(75 mins)




This is designed to nourish, regenerate, and energize skin.  while energizing massage techniques release tension in facial muscles to help alleviate premature aging, and mature or devitalized skin. Your skin will be noticeably firmer, smoother, and look revitalized.

Includes: Lumi Spa Treatment, Extended massage, Galvanic current treatment, powder lift treatment, Nu Skins Future Serum, and TRU FACE PRODUCT LINE.